Sunday, March 3, 2013

Spring Dance Concert Critique

Spring Dance Concert 2013 Critique

            The first piece, “Scherzo Czerny, Opus 75.5” by choreographed by Richard Allan Ploch. I thought that it was good, however there were times it didn’t look as effortless as it could have been. An example of this is when Eden fell out of her point. Other then a few mistakes, I still really liked the simplicity of the piece and still thought it was beautiful.
            The second piece was “Eve’s Burden”, choreographed by Ya-Ju Lin. I thought the piece was very original. It made me feel the anguish that the dancers were portraying. This is important because dance is all about making the audience feel what the dancers are trying to express.
            The third piece was “Tortured Soul”, choreographed by Jillian Michaels. I felt a little disconnected from this piece. Honestly, I felt that it was a little boring and dry. I wasn’t able to feel what the dancers were trying to express.
            The fourth piece was “Escape from Freedom”, choreographed by Edward Owens. I really liked this piece. I thought there was a lot of symbolism and emotion. The dancer, Patrick Justin did a great job at connecting with the audience. Overall the piece was very engaging and deep.
            The fifth piece was “The Secret Life of Muses”, choreographed by Bill Philin- Plopis. Honestly, I have a hard time remembering this piece. This is not a bad thing, however it is also not a good thing. It is not bad because this means that the piece wasn’t horrible, or it would have stuck out. But then again, it is also bad that it didn’t stick to my memory.
            The sixth piece was “Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Can See”, choreographed by Phyllis Gaines and Marcus Borders. I liked this piece because it was a change of pace and because of this, it was more engaging to the audience. I personally do not think that it was flawless, and I think that it could have been organized better, however, it was still very good.
            The seventh piece was “Primal Fear”, choreographed by Susannah LeMarquand. I really liked this piece. I thought that it was complex however it still was clean. I liked how creative it was as well. It really looked awesome with the use of the drapes. Again, Patrick Justin did a really great job, as did Lindsey Goldaper.
            The eight piece was “Confessions of a Mean Girl”, choreographed by Lauren Gilbert. Personally, this was not my favorite piece. I felt it was very disorganized and didn’t really have a meaning to me. I felt that it could have had a lot of potential, however it did not really connect with me.
            The ninth piece was “Wild, Calling Collect”, choreographed by Susan Taylor Lennon. I really liked this one because it was different and abstract. However, I did not like that not everyone was in unison and it made it look a little sloppy. Other then the small things, it was overall very good.
            The tenth piece was “Continuum”, choreographed by Beth Labaren-Root. I liked this piece, however I felt that it was a little dry, and didn’t really stand out to me. Also, not everyone was in unison so at times it looked a little sloppy.
The last piece was “Lovely Way to Burn”, choreographed by Linda Lopez. I really liked this one because it captured the audience’s attention. I liked the music choice and I thought it was a fun way to end the show.
Overall it was a very good show. Some pieces were better than others. However it is apparent that these dancers have worked very hard, and it was still a great show.