Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Different Types of Glissades

There are six different types of Glissades:

Glissade devant: the initiating foot to the front and ends with the initiating foot to the front. The position of the feet do not change due to this and end just where they began.

Glissade derriere: begins with the foot from the back and ends in the back. 

Glissade dessous: the initiating foot starting in the front and ending in the back. 

Glissade dessus: the initiating foot starting behind and then ending in the front. 

Glissade en avant: the initiating leg pushes off of the floor with the next leg following behind it. 

Glissade envarriere: the initiating foot being the one that is behind with the foot on the front following it. 

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