Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Jiri Kylian


The ballet starts of with the first set of the two men. For the most part; the timing is almost right, but not quite. I do not believe that the movements are as in sync during the beginning as they could have been. Because there were not as many dancers to be accounted for, the movements should have had more concordance. The whole ballet gives of a very capricious feeling. The first pair isn’t very fluid at times, however the ballerina is concise. The second pair is captivating; a little less capricious movements, and more deliberate movements. When the two pairs perform together, the timing is not always quite right. However it begins to greatly improve as the pairs continue to dance and the plot begins to develop. It seems the two pairs enter a stream of unconsciousness. The women are dancing around the male dancers who are standing idly. Their movements then awake the male dancers. When one of the pairs begins to dance together, their timing has greatly improved and their lines and turnouts are great. Then the other pair joins, and there is again, great accuracy. The movements look very fluid and effortless. The two pairs at this point are much more in sync. The men then seem to be upset that the two women leave. The women reappear on stage behind the men, and then two of them leave and the audience sees the two male dancers with their backs to the audience protecting a female dancer whom they both dance with desperately. It is as if she needs them to move. It is really quite beautiful. The ending showed what looked like the dancers moving into the abyss. There is a lot of energy from all the dancers.
Overall, this piece was quite beautiful. The audience is a part of the stream of consciousness. The ballet was fluid and the dancers were great. I felt that the ballet began to become more captivating as the ballet progressed. 

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